Do I get emailed reminders?


Email reminders about your library use are automatically sent to your College email account. To access your College email account follow the link from the Student Links and Resources web page.
You will receive an email confirmation when you borrow an item, and you will receive an email confirmation when an item automatically renews – advising you of the new return date.
If, for any reason, an item cannot be automatically renewed you will receive an email reminder telling you the item and date it must be returned by.
If you do not return an item you will receive email reminders on the due date, 7 days after due date, 14 days after due date, and 28 days after due date.
If you do not wish to regularly check your College email account it is vital that you set up a forwarding rule from your College email account, so that any emails received will be sent to an email address of your choice.
Email notices are a courtesy service. Non-receipt of an email reminder does not exempt you from overdue fines. You are responsible for monitoring your own library use and ensuring items are returned on time.
You can check the items that you have on loan on the 'My Account' tab at the top of the Library Catalogue.
If you have any questions, please contact the Library on 01274 088257, or email


  • Last Updated 21 Jul 2022
  • Views 56
  • Answered By David Porter

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