How long can I borrow an item for?


The majority of items held in the Library can be borrowed for 2 weeks. 

2-week loan items will automatically renew every week, unless another user requests an item, for a total of 20 times.

If you wish to have the item longer you can return and re-issue the item to yourself.

If an item you have on loan is requested by another user you will receive an email telling you when you need to return the item by.  

Books in the Teacher Training and Reading Collection will be issued until the end of the current term.

Reference items and journals can be used only in the Library.

If you are a student with learning difficulties registered with the College you can talk to a member of Library staff about extending your borrowing rights

If you are a student with a learning difficulty, physical disability or other medical conditions please get in touch with the Learner Support team who will be able to advise you on registering.

  • Last Updated 06 Oct 2020
  • Views 69
  • Answered By David Porter

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